qKr, mhhHRRrrh, dDDrdDR, rhEHh, mrrr, tSNH, nN, rR-EWhr, mpkPRAHH


recycled carpet, recycled underlayment, recycled hardwood, recycled cardboard, modified found objects, microcontrollers, servos, pine, MDF, PVC, steel, expanded polystyrene, cotton rope, water, hardware

9.5 x 35 x 32 ft

in collaboration with Conrad Cheung and the Chicago Carpet Center, and with thanks to many pet owners and their pets

A sketch of a playground for multispecies play and interaction, this installation asks what designs for a non-anthropocentric playground might best serve the interests, desires, and lives of species that persist after human extinction. Made primarily of materials recycled from the Chicago Carpet Center, the installation is one of several propositions we call “counterlegacies”, legacies we might leave against and in spite of the primary legacies of our time — crises like anthropogenic climate change and ecological destruction.